Assorted imagery, visuals and related items of interest...
This link will explore the wacky world of full-body costumes, sometimes
referred to as "fursuits." I'll have pictures and descriptions of my
own costume, "Tim Kangaroo," along with other anecdotes, stories and
fun relating to this rather unusual hobby.
But, for now, feel free to explore the following:
The KARE-11 "Furries" Promo
435k, streaming RealMedia format.
A 30-second promotional spot for a KARE-11 Extra report
on "furries." The Extra is a 6-minute feature segment
broadcast nightly on KARE-TV Channel 11 (Minneapolis) as part of
their 10pm Report. The full report was broadcast on
12 February 1997. Yours truly is featured in this promo, both
in and out of costume ("During the day, they look like this...").
"Creature Comforts", an article from the October 1997 issue of
Marie Claire magazine about fursuits and "furries"
(a/k/a Furry Fans). Yours truly was interviewed for this
article while I was at the San Diego Comic Book Convention
in July 1997. While I'm not mentioned in the article, you
can see my Tim Kangaroo costume in one of the picutres.
From ConFurence 8:
Fursuits, and
The Costume Contest. Photos Courtesy of
Ray Benson.
Here's Tim Kangaroo with:
None other than that Lapine Love Goddess,
Lola Bunny!
Aahzie & Kazoo former mascots of
Radio AAHS (now off-the-air, sadly), and Michigan J. Frog.
Tim is seen sans costume.
Crunch mascot of the
Minneosta Timberwolves (NBA).
Fursuit reports from the Baycon (23-25 May 1997) newsletter,
Makin' Baycon:
(Both feature reports on the Fursuit Dance held Saturday, 24 May 1997.)
In early 1993 a controversy erupted over the cartoon mascot of Sally's
Saloon, a bar in Minneapolis located near the University of Minnesota.
The mascot, the curvacious Sally Chipmunk, was decried as sexist and
and an offensive stereotype, and the bar owners eventually had the
character re-designed. Below are some rare photographs of the original
Sally, "before" and "after" artwork of Sally, and an article about the
controversy from the University of Minnesota's newspaper, the Minnesota
Sally (awning), color J-Peg, 72k.
Sally (window), color J-Peg, 77k.
Sally, before & after, B&W GIF, 8k.
Sally article.
Oh, no! It's an RL picture
of Tim! Run away! :)
All material on this page copyright © Timothy Fay,
unless otherwise indicated.
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