Headline: Saloon's Sally drawn less salaciously Publish Date: 02/18/1993 By Jaime Velarde Staff Reporter To the patrons of Sally's Saloon and Eatery, Goldy Gopher's new girlfriend wasn't his type. Or theirs. When the Stadium Village saloon opened in December, it revealed a new logo: Sally, a buxom, racy and scantily-clad woman's body topped by a chipmunk's head. ``We wanted the Minnesota Gopher to have a girlfriend,'' said Chris Diebold, owner of the bar. But a few days after her unveiling, the letters started coming. People complained that the new girlfriend was libidinous, suggestive and downright offensive. In fact, so many letters arrived that plastic surgery was ordered. Over winter break the voluptuous cartoon character underwent breast reduction and changed into a more demure sweater. Tennis shoes are also on order. ``I had no idea (the logo) was sexist. If I thought it was sexist I wouldn't have put it up,'' Diebold said. And the cost for this advertising transformation? About $4,000. The revamped Sally has already debuted in newspaper ads. And once the temperature warms up, the eatery's awnings will also be painted with the more modest Goldy gal. Eventually, the coy version of the Sally logo will even adorn uniforms and table displays. Bar manager Tim Diebold said we never meant for Sally to be offensive. Said Diebold: ``It's a cartoon.'' Reactions to the logo debacle have ranged from ambivalence to anger. Calling the first Sally ``offensive``, College of Liberal Arts senior Rebecca St. George said, ``It makes a woman less than human.'' ``It's taking all of the people that objectify women and using it to bring people to the bar,'' St. George said. But others said the suggestive rendering of the Sally logo wouldn't keep them away from the saloon. ``You get pretty used to the weird pictures,'' said Cyndi Williamson, a senior in the Institute of Technology. Third-year pharmacy student Scott Chapman said, ``It doesn't bother me at all.''